
Quickly eliminate pivot wheel tracks and fill ruts with the Agrico Trackfiller. Simple yet efficient, we offer only the best to get the job done, every time.

Agrico Trackfiller

A track filling implement from the pivot experts

Years of experience in the pivot irrigation industry makes us the best choice for your trackfiller equipment. Simple yet effective, the Agrico Trackfiller tackles the problem of pivot tracks by filling centre pivot ruts and compressing the soil. With a robust welded frame for longevity, adjustable soil compression and a working width of 1.6 m, the Agrico Trackfiller is the perfect partner for your centre pivot.

Designed to eliminate pivot tracks systematically

Trackfillers are used to repair ruts in the field left by agricultural equipment and compress the soil to provide a stronger foundation. Ruts are typically caused by irrigation systems or agricultural implements, such as the deep wheel tracks left by a centre pivot irrigation system. A rutted field can impede the functionality of a centre pivot, increasing its energy use, stress and wear, as well as hinder the growth of crops. Agrico trackfillers easily fill tracks and ruts to provide healthy and restored fields.
Agrico trackfiller
Agrico trackfiller

Robust welded frame for longevity

The Agrico Trackfiller features a heavy-duty design to provide you with years of service. The implement frame is filled with steel to make it heavier for better soil penetration and consolidation, to reduce rutting. Also features triple sealed self-aligning ball bearings, mounted on shock absorbing rubber rings.

Improved control and adjustability

The Agrico Trackfiller features stepped disc diameters for perfect levelling as well as adjustable soil compression with roller.
Agrico trackfiller


Power requirement (kW) ± 32
Disc spacing (mm) 250
Working width (m) 1.6
Gangbolts (Ø) 40
Disc thickness (mm) 6
Hitch category Category 2 3-pt

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